What steps can I take to personally rebuild my self-worth and overcome shame after a major professional setback?

Rebuilding self-worth and overcoming shame after a major professional setback involves a series of intentional steps aimed at fostering self-compassion, reframing negative beliefs, and seeking support. Here are practical steps to achieve this: Practice Self-Compassion: Reframe Negative Self-Beliefs: Engage in Activities That Boost Self-Esteem: Seek Support: Set Realistic […]

How can I help my team rebuild their self-worth and overcome shame after a significant business failure to ensure they remain engaged and motivated?

Rebuilding self-worth and overcoming shame within your team after a significant business failure is crucial for maintaining engagement and motivation. Here are practical strategies to support your team in this process: Promote Self-Compassion: Challenge Negative Self-Beliefs: Foster a Supportive Environment: Focus on Strengths and Accomplishments: Incorporate Self-Care Practices: […]

Overcoming the Fear of Other People’s Opinions: A Comprehensive Guide by Tomasz Drybala

Fear of other people’s opinions (FOPO) is a common issue that affects many individuals, hindering personal growth, limiting opportunities, and reducing overall well-being. However, by leveraging insights from neuroscience, it is possible to understand and manage this fear effectively. In this comprehensive guide by Tomasz Drybala, we’ll explore […]